On the afternoon of 28th Oct., the Board Chairman and Secretary of the Party of CYR Mr. Gui Zukang arrived Tong Ling Branch to direct the work affairs and condole the staff. After the arrival, Mr. Gui Zukang communicated with the senior administrators of Tong Ling Branch in the aspects of mentality and work immediately. Mr. Wu Xiaodong- General manager of Tong Ling Branch and Mr. Cheng Guang- Secretary of the Party of Tong Ling Branch reported the situation in the aspects of technical improvement, current production and the staff respectively.
On the morning of 29th Oct., Mr. Gui Zukang visited the site of technical improvement and the work shops with the accompanying of Mr. Wu Xiao dong and Mr. Cheng Guang. Mr. Gui Zukang recognized the achievement of technical improvement, production and the staff stabilization of Tong Ling Branch at the same time. And he hoped the Tong Ling Branch can quicken the schedule of technical improvement and accomplish the project of technical improvement with high quality ahead of schedule.