Diversified cooperative modes
for locomotive maintenance, inspection & repair

Locomotive maintenance, inspection & repair - Fast and professional maintenance inspection
& repair service for the locomotive

pare parts supply
Dispatching maintenance experts Purchasing spare parts in batches
Comprehensively inspecting the locomotives Supervising and conducting the site production
Providing the required spare parts list Keeping on the concern at the later stage


Locomotive maintenance, inspection & repair
Dispatching maintenance experts Cultivating maintenance staff
Comprehensively inspecting the locomotives Comprehensively repairing the locomotives
Providing locomotive condition analysis report Commissioning and accepting the locomotives
Providing a repairing scheme  


Comprehensive cooperation
Dispatching maintenance experts Providing a repairing scheme
Comprehensively inspecting the locomotives Determining the maintenance mode according to the condition of locomotive
Providing locomotive condition analysis report Providing maintenance information management


Cooperative maintenance
Establishing the maintenance schedule Supplying spare parts required by maintenance
Signing maintenance contract Providing comprehensive maintenance management
Building a maintenance team Cultivating the local personnel
Providing maintenance tooling  


Upgrading & reconstructing
Dispatching maintenance experts Building a reconstruction team
Comprehensively diagnosing the locomotives Comprehensively repairing the locomotives
Determining the overhaul scheme Commissioning and accepting the locomotives
Upgrading and reconstructing the design of locomotive