The gateway CC-GWA1-01, which accords with TCN standard and UIC556 protocol, is intended for information exchange between train bus WTB and local bus MVB. From the point of view MVB bus, gateway is always bus arbiter, from the point of view WTB bus gateway could be configured like master or slave node. The behavior, function and power consumption can be controlled by 16 digital inputs located in GW-DIO card or any train’s technology can be driven by 4 digital outputs.
To increase reliability and availability, the system is fully redundant. That means that all functions are doubled. There is the redundancy control unit located in GW-PWR which functions like an arbiter between two identical systems. By other words, one tells what system is on duty and what stands-by.
The gateway communicates with PC-based software by serial line(RS232), through which it can realize debugging and downloading programs and so on.
To different trains, it need only change the database of gateway, the other sofeware need no change.
Gateway consists of these cards:
· Doubled power supply GW-PWR (rated voltage 24V)
· 2 processors GW-CPU with submodule GW-MAU
· Doubled digital I/O card GW-DIO
· 2 backplanes GW-BP
All of cards are enclosed in standard “6U, 19” rack.