The product is suitable for power supply for electrified railway .This product acquires 25kV electricity from electric power net. There are four components of this product, input transformer, 4
quadrant rectifier, inverter and output transformer. The product serves to convert electricity get from the electric power to Three-phase Four-wire AC 380 supply directly. The railway station can obtain three-phase AC 380 supply without equipping with special three-phase industry power by using this product,plenty of constructed capital is cut down. The product adopts Intel 16bit microcontroller of 80C196MC and DSP of TMS320F240 made in TI. The input section of the product is made up of
4 quadrant rectifier, and output section is composed of inverter . The 4 quadrant rectifier can decrease current harmonic in power supply network, the optimum Power Factor can reach 1; A sine filter smoothes the PWM voltage modulated out by inverter, so that a stable sinusoidal tension form at the output terminals with least harmonic. This converter adopts heatpipe radiator ,also equipped with forced air cooling.