Products & Services
The company was the former Sifang Locomotive and Rolling Stock Works, founded in 1900. Since the establishment of the company, it has been devoting to researching, development, manufacturing and serving of railway locomotive and rolling stock products, and has made significant contributions to the technology advancement of the Chinese railway locomotive and rolling stock industry.
High Speed MUs
Bombardier Sifang (Qingdao) Transportation Ltd. (abbreviated as BST) is a Sino-f...
Manufacturing of Railway Passenger Coachs
The company takes the opportunity of the sixth raising of speed to obtain the co...
Refurbishing of Railway Passenger Coaches
The company has a series of advanced processing, testing and special equipment, ...
Manufacture of Special Vehicles
The rail-road vehicle researched, developed and manufactured by the company inde...
Contact & us
  • Add: No.9 Hongping Road, Chengyang District, Qingdao, Shandong, China
  • Post code: 266111
  • Tel:+86-0532-87808596
  • Web: